Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 1-Butterfly Canvas

This is my first week and I decided I'd do something easy and fun with things that I had on hand.
So I had pinned this image a long time ago but still wanted to recreate it.

I found it on this blog Prairie Paper & Ink by Amy Rysavy I loved the colours of the butterflies and how they are flowing across the two canvases.

I decided to do mine on the one canvas and have them just fluttering very loosely over it. I also painted the canvas as it just didn't look any good on the plain white. The butterflies kinda got lost as they were a paler colour to the ones on the canvas above. 
Here is my photo below

Products used plain canvas from Riot art and craft
Blue and yellow paint by kaiser (mixed on the canvas to get the colour)
Butterflys by Prima

52 Pinterest Weeks

Hands up if you love Pinterest!
I certainly do and yes like most people I waste  spend alot of time on pinterest. So this year I thought I need to do something about it and instead of just pinning things for the sake of pinning. I will actually go out on a limb and make them. So I thought I would start easy and if you are looking at this date I am technically 2 weeks behind already but thats on the blog. I have made stuff. 
So this is giving me something to look forward to and also actually make time for myself to attempt to make these things.
I would love so much to make more than one thing a week but I don't want to get ahead of myself here. So for now its one item and we will see how we go.

Please follow along and enjoy the ride!